In this guide, you will learn how to modify an existing Android app using Android Studio. From renaming files to integrating push notifications and Firebase, each step will be covered thoroughly to ensure your app is ready to launch. 1. Rename Project Folder Before Opening in Android Studio Before opening the project in Android Studio, rename the project folder to your desired app name. Example: Change the folder name from "MyApp" to "WebSync Pro" (or your desired app name). 2. Open the Renamed Project in Android Studio After renaming the folder, open Android Studio and select "Open an existing project." Browse to the renamed project folder and open it. 3. Update App Name in strings.xml Navigate to res/values/strings.xml. Find the string resource for the app name, typically under <string name="app_name">. Change it to your new app name, for example:xml <string name="app_name">WebSync Pro</string> 4. Rename Package Name ( Open AndroidManifest.xml and replace with your app’s new package name, for example, Refactor the package name across all files: In Android Studio, right-click on the package name in the Project view. Select Refactor > Rename. Choose the option to rename the package and ensure it is updated throughout the project. 5. Create OneSignal Push Notification ID Create a OneSignal account and set up a new app for push notifications. After obtaining your OneSignal App ID, go to MyApplication.kt in your project. Replace the existing OneSignal App ID with the new one in the initialization code:kotlin OneSignal.setAppId("YOUR_ONESIGNAL_APP_ID") 6. Integrate Firebase into Your Project Visit the Firebase Console and create a new project. Download the google-services.json file for your Android app and place it in the app/ folder of your project. Open the build.gradle file (both project-level and app-level) and ensure the Firebase dependencies are added:gradle implementation '' implementation '' 7. Add Firebase Application ID and Project ID to strings.xml In Firebase, locate your Application ID and Project ID. Add both to your strings.xml file:xml <string name="firebase_app_id">YOUR_FIREBASE_APP_ID</string> <string name="firebase_project_id">YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID</string> 8. Replace Website URL in WebView If your app uses a WebView, update the website URL with your own. Locate the WebView activity (e.g., or, and replace the existing URL with your website URL:java webView.loadUrl(""); 9. Replace App Icon Prepare your app icon in different resolutions (mipmap-mdpi, mipmap-hdpi, etc.). Replace the existing icons in the res/mipmap folder with your new icons. Make sure the ic_launcher icon is replaced properly. 10. Replace "No Internet" and Splash Screen Images Replace the "no internet" image by navigating to the appropriate drawable folder (e.g., res/drawable). Replace the splash screen image by locating the splash screen layout (activity_splash.xml) and updating the image. 11. Verify Changes Across All Files Double-check if the app name, package name, URLs, Firebase integration, OneSignal ID, and icons have been updated across all relevant files. Ensure nothing is missing before moving to the next step. 12. Clean the Project Go to Build > Clean Project in Android Studio to remove any cached or outdated files. After cleaning, select Build > Rebuild Project to compile the updated app. 13. Add Signing Key to Firebase Navigate to the Firebase Console, under Project Settings > App Integrity. Add your app’s SHA-1 or SHA-256 signing key, which can be found in the Android Studio Gradle task:./gradlew signingReport 14. Check Permissions in the Manifest Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and review the permissions. Remove any unnecessary permissions that your app doesn’t require. For example, if you're not using location services, remove:xml <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> 15. Run and Test the App Finally, run your app on a device or emulator to ensure everything works as expected. Test push notifications, WebView functionality, Gmail login, and other features to confirm they are working properly. By following these steps, you will successfully modify the app to meet your specifications. Make sure to test thoroughly before publishing!